First GreenAI + SusAIn workshop kick off in the framework of Green and Sustainable Artificial Intelligence

Date :
Changed on 01/06/2023
This Thursday, June 24 at 9:30 (Chilean time) and 15:30 (French time), Inria Chile offered the first virtual workshop in the framework of Green and Sustainable Artificial Intelligence (AI), supported by a coordinated action of two projects: GreenAI and SusAIn.

This activity arises from the interest in an area that has been neglected by researchers and the AI industry, and that is the ecological impact of artificial intelligence itself. In this sense, it has been hypothesized that cloud and mobile computing, transfer learning, domain adaptation, model reuse, active learning and evolutionary computation, among others; could contribute to produce a green AI. However, this is an area that needs yet to be properly explored both from theoretical and practical points of view

It is in this context that a consortium of 6 institutions from 5 countries will start working in the framework of Green and Sustainable Artificial Intelligence and with the coordinated support of the GreenAI and SusAIn projects, being this workshop the beginning of this joint action.

The GreenAI project, which aims at ecologically viable machine learning, is funded by the CLIMAT AmSud program, which includes researchers from Inria in France, Inria in Chile, the Center for Mathematical Modeling from Universidad de Chile (CMM), the University of Asuncion in Paraguay, the National Laboratory of Scientific Computing in Brazil (LNCC) and the University of the Republic in Uruguay.

The SusAIN project, aimed at achieving Sustainable Artificial Intelligence, is funded by Inria and its Associated Teams program, which includes researchers from Inria in France, Inria in Chile, CMM and the LNCC.

Visit GreenAI + SusAIn website here.

Program of the first virtual workshop and details here.



Consortium partners:

