We support digital transformation through research and innovation!
Our scientists, our engineers, produce knowledge, develop technologies, and focus on applications related to the main problems of our society and industry. For Inria, Chile represents the possibility of generating new knowledge and new impact applications thanks to its natural and economic specificities. In Chile, Inria works in areas such as astronomy, resilience, and mining, which make the Center a unique player in the Institute. It also applies its knowledge to economic sectors and areas of the future for both Chile and France: intelligent agriculture, biodiversity, and "frugal digital" with his research project on green artificial intelligence.
We frame our work in six main lines:
Inria is sure that international collaboration and cooperation are the keys to building the society of tomorrow and responding to its challenges by generating and sharing knowledge.
It is a joint research project created between a project team in Inria France and a research team from abroad. Both project teams define a scientific objective, as well as a research program involving a bilateral exchange of knowledge. They seek to promote and develop scientific collaborations around the world. The creation and strengthening of associate teams in Chile are one of the priorities of this program articulated by Inria in Chile.
This tool seeks to mobilize and promote the excellence of researchers and the diversity of their skills towards key common challenges. Inria Challenges have well-defined objectives and a work plan, are evaluated by international experts and have a duration of 4 years. They can involve collaborators from different institutions, from academia and-or from the industrial world. We want to promote this scientific ambition in Chile and the region.