Master Class - "Metaverse, virtual and augmented reality: principles, challenges and problems"

Changed on 04/10/2023
  • Friday, October 13, 2023 - 10:00 am Chilean time

  • Speaker: Anatole Lécuyer, Research Director and head of the Hybrid project-team at Inria

  • Master Class in French, with simultaneous translation into Spanish

© Inria / Photo G. Scagnelli

What will I discover in this class?

  • History of the domain: we will follow the history of this field of research, from the pioneers of the last century (with Morton Heilig, Jaron Lanier, Ivan Sutherland, etc.) to the current unicorns (with OCULUS, UNITY, etc.).

  • Fundamental principles: we will gain a better understanding of the notions of metaverse, virtual/augmented reality/XR, "Presence", sensory immersion, virtual embodiment and avatar.

  • Technologies: we will discover visual devices (headsets, projection systems, etc.), haptic devices (tactile feedback and force feedback), other senses (hearing, movement, taste, smell), tracking devices (optical, magnetic, etc.), 3D interaction devices.

Anatole Lécuyer

Anatole Lécuyer2
Credit Inria / Photo Kaksonen

Anatole Lécuyer is research director at Inria and head of the Hybrid project-team. He has been researching in the field of virtual reality and exploring new ways of interacting with virtual worlds for more than 20 years.

The Hybrid project-team is dedicated to working with a wide range of industrial companies in a variety of fields: industry, medicine, construction, energy, education, entertainment, cultural heritage, artistic creation, etc.